New Zealand Diploma in Psychology (Level 5)


This programme is delivered fully online. Watch our video to see what online study with Open Polytechnic is like.

The study of psychology provides students with a scientific understanding of why people think and act as they do. If you are interested in a scientific and deeper understanding of the human condition, the Diploma in Psychology may be the right qualification for you.

    $4,758 NZ Domestic

    Not including any course materials or external exam fees.

    Student loan

You’ll gain research, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation skills that are essential for any career, and gain valuable insights into the dynamic field of behavioural science. Psychology uses science, including statistical measures, to objectively interpret behaviour. Because psychology is a science, it relies on evidence-based research.

Graduates will possess a broad understanding of modern psychology following the completion of the Diploma. Psychology is a broad and diverse subject area as human behaviour is complex and there are many facets. These facets include our physiology, our cognition (or thinking processes), our biology, and our social and cultural contexts.

This qualification will prepare you to work in any industry that involves interaction with people. This may include human resources, student services, marketing, community work, and more.

When you achieve this qualification you will know how to:

  • use psychological principles when interacting with people for the benefit of the group and individuals
  • evaluate social, educational and workplace situations, whilst considering behavioural, social, and cultural factors that affect these situations, including those unique bicultural factors relevant to Aotearoa New Zealand contexts
  • differentiate the fields and sub-fields within psychology and know how and why these relate to specific psychology-related career paths and employment areas within Aotearoa New Zealand
  • apply scientific analysis to individual, social and group interactions to identify interconnecting factors that may underlie complex situations.

Maximum Programme Completion Time

To be awarded the qualification, the programme must be completed in no more than 3 years of first enrolment, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

    $4,758 NZ Domestic

    Not including any course materials or external exam fees.

    Student loan